Friendship Day

Happy Friendship Day

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Friendship is not just a connection, its a bond between individuals. Slowly they enter into your life and become a part of your happiness, struggle, survival and lots more. Things become easy to handle when you find them behind you. This friendship day I want to thanks all those friends who have always cherished my presence in their life and made my life more meaningful and enjoyable.

My Verse

Friendship day
 A bond Unknown and Fair
So true and feel like a heaven in the world of despair
When tears broke down from my eyes,
Your presence always brought a cheerful smile
Deep like the MOTHER EARTH and 
Enormous like the blue SKY
Your galaxy of universe 
Always gave my wandering stars a coherent roaring high.
The rainbow of your demeanor
demystify the world of logical attitude
The charismatic personality 
Works like a black hole engulfing my every single root
You were the ladder climbing whose stairs,
I find my true existence
Just like the tendril of a plant twisting around any structure to crave its own subsistence
Your friendship was the catalyst of my stimulation
Your generosity was the oxygen of my life respiration
Criticism and appreciation were the part of your personality
Straightforwardness, curiosity, honesty, smart work and many more 
Were some of the traits of our friendship
It was interesting to have 
East and west, north and south at one go
And together if we combine map of India can be redefine
The world mark a week in the month, 
To celebrate this bond of friendship
But I cherish every moment of our kinship
#friends #friendshipday #friendship #happyfriendshipday #friendsforever #friendshiplove #friendshipmagic #friendshipgoal


  1. You explained the exact meaning of friendship in a very lucid manner…the way you interconnect all the things is enormous…. Happy friendship day dear ……we’ll wait for next one..🤟🤟👍👍

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