The Altruistic Love

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May be sometime down the lane, when I will be too old to complain
I will understand the hardship and scuffle of being a PARENT
The sacrifice behind every happiness, the pain behind every laughter
The tears behind every reunion and smile behind every disassemble

Yes, I failed to understand your way of thinking and maturity
The insecurity behind my abrupt priority
I often use to argue for my insane views, ignoring your words of
wisdom claiming myself to be always shrewd
Still you never show agony over my weird talks, making me learn
how to balance between life unpredictable curve balls
As time passed, years gone
You are now a bit older and I am a little mature

But still nothing has changed
The painting hanging on the nail still remind of the days bygone
The colour of the wall make me nostalgic of childhood dawn
I ponder and wander how a love can be so selfless, unconditional and not loose its charm
My heart echo-it's the PARENT LOVE which is beyond measure, endless
and without expectations
Still I feel I am unaware of the depth of your love,
May be I will understand when I will be one among them


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