
The Turn

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Baffled by the Life ride we often complain and question our decisions. Thinking that life would have taken a different turn if we had not crossed all human limitations. But what if even your right decision would have led you to an uncanny abrupt turn? Then also you would have complain?

So no turn can be said right or wrong. It is our state of mind and the consequences that we face which make us complain things. Life is an expedition where every step we take propels some new challenges and goals. As we move forth slowly and slowly we discover a new individual inside us. The more we struggle the more divine the knowledge and wisdom grows. The next time you turn, do not complain about taking the wrong route, just put your feet down on it and build it the way you want it.


  1. “The more we struggle the more divine the knowledge and wisdom grows.”
    I really appreciate your effort and intellectual to tell us this kind of perfect things , it creates more energy inside our body to do more better.
    Thank you

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